+91-6392 820 104,+91-9696 934 954
Milenium World CBSE School
  • Milenium World School (2021-22)

    General instructions for Online Classes (GOOGLE MEETING):-

    • All students are required to join the virtual classroom through Google Meet on time (as per the class timetable).
    • Student’s speakers will be enabled but microphone should be on mute.
    • If there is any query student’s can click, raise, hand or post a text message in the chat window. Following which respective teacher may ask you to unmute the microphone.
    • Student’s have to attend all sessions as per the given time slots only then they will be marked PRESENT for the class.
    • If any student is found absconding/missing from any class during the day, he/she will be marked ABSENT for all the classes of that day.
    • Student’s should message or inform the Class teacher in case they have any Medical problem or any other issue due to which they are unable to attend the classes. The reason for being ABSENT from sessions should be given in writing to the Class teacher.
    • If a student is ABSENT for more than two Days consecutively, then respective parents have to connect with the respective class teacher and inform them duly.
    • Students are required to be dressed properly either in School Uniform/Formal Dress Code.
    • Students are required to be properly seated on Table/Chair. They should not be lying on Sofa or bed during the sessions.
    • Students should keep the surroundings quiet. They should be prepared for class with fresh approach (Shower, Brushing etc.)
    • Do not engage in any other communication (conversation, phone calls or SMS) during the class.
    • Students are not allowed to record any part of the lecture by any means.
    • There will be a 10 minute break after each period. In which the child is supposed to turn off the camera give rest to eyes.
    • Be ready with necessary text books, notebooks, pen, pencil and other stationary before class begins.
    • For KG students, parents participation is must as in this case the teacher will be a helper only and the activities should be done by the students with the help of the parents.
    • Don’t allow your child to evade the online classes without prior information.
    • Every student is required to download GOOGLE MEET to further send all written work, Assignments, Projects etc. to their respective teachers.

  • Online Classes Instructions
    (Click to Download)